
Fire truck at BWLR

Arrived from the USA in October 2017, a 1991 Pierce Arrow aerial truck with 105 foot ladder.

This was designed and used, in Woodstock Virginia USA, as a high level rescue appliance and a means of delivering water to high or difficult locations.

It is capable of lifting 400lbs at full stretch 90 degrees to the truck or delivering 4000 Litres of water a minute from the nozzle at the top of the ladder.

The truck was taken out of service in September 2017 and was destined to be cut up.

Although completely different and much younger and other equipment saved in the past it is none the less important that some examples of these trucks survive.

Garrett Traction Engine

For almost a hundred years traction engines and steam rollers played an important role in road transport and construction with their use declining by 1940 as they were displaced by petrol and diesel powered vehicles.

At Bredgar we were custodian of three road locomotives each of which has an interesting history however is 2017 the Showman’s engine and the Road Roller we sold.

The General purpose Garrett has been restored back to working condition in 2017 and will be seen in steam and working machines on most open days next year.


Our car collection has been reduced in recent years in favor of agricultural and railway items. We have kept two historic cars. We also play host to the visiting historic vehicle clubs on some open days.

Reliant ‘Prince Regent’

Built in 1949 Index – FO 5654. Reliant took over Raleigh’s design for three wheeled vehicles in 1935. This vehicle was found in a dismantled state in a collapsed garage in Wales. The restoration was started in 2005 and took two years to complete. The engine was rebuilt and is derived from an Austin 7. The bodywork was almost non existent but sufficient survived to be used as templates for new aluminium panels.

Bean 14 Model 6 Tourer

14 H.P. Built in 1923 Index – SV 9172. This car was exported in 1923 to Australia and then re-imported in 2001 by the Bredgar & Wormshill Light Railway. It has been used on Bean Car Club Rallies both locally and in France.

Ford 3600 tractor

Registration No. VKE 257 X. These models were built from 1975 to 1981 and this model was first registered in 1981.
It is a 3 cylinder diesel and has a narrower than usual wheel track as it is designed for orchard or vineyard work.
This model was first supplied to a farm in the Bredgar area by Invicta Motors Ltd., of Canterbury, Kent.