Visits by Educational establishments and groups interested in industrial heritage.

The BWLR is not a dusty museum of old relics, but a vibrant collection of restored railway and agricultural equipment. Over the years the railway has become a popular location for educational visits by schools and youth groups. Depending on what type of visit and the requirements there is often a low or no charge for educational groups.  We have visits from schools catering for special needs, and educational visits from schools doing courses e.g. on transport or the industrial revolution.

Mid Kent college regularly bring student groups for work experience, allowing a wide range of work activities that are outside the average students area of experience.

The The Royal School of Military Engineering (RSME) in Chatham visited use and carried out a full topographical survey of the Railway and site.  This was used as part of their “finals” with a group of trainees covering our railway, stations, and other areas for the siting of Garforth Foot Bridge.  This gave them valuable experience of a live Railway and gave us a survey that we can use in the future.

We provide talks for many of the visits to help put our collection into historical context.  The format of the day can be tailored to suit the needs of each party depending upon age and nature of interest. As well as instilling an interest in rail transport, a visit to Bredgar also helps broaden knowledge of industry and social history among young visitors.

We regularly host groups of cubs and scouts either on day visits or camping weekends.

We also provide talks on or off site to a range of groups from WI to Rotary.

If you are interested in bringing a group please email or call us and have a chat.  Or you could visit our tearoom and ask for a chat over coffee.